Carving pumpkins Ray was a big help! Mom and Ray T.J. Jaymon Ray likes candy (at least he likes the wrappers)! Oh boy! Our little pumpkin. Jack-o-Coleton :) T.J. as a monkey Taylie being a witch. The kids ready for the Trunk-or-Treat at the church the week before Halloween. (T.J. wanted to be a vampire originally and then changed his mind to being a monkey on Halloween night). Coleton wanted a Jack-o-lantern costume because of his Jack-o-lantern smile! :) Ready to go on Halloween night. Tylor wanted to be a zombie football player.
Here we go for another school year... Coleton started 2nd grade, Taylie started 4th grade, and Tylor started 6th grade (middle school - scary!). T.J. is also doing another year of preschool.
Daddy feet and baby feet Ray has learned a lot in 4 months- how to smile (3 weeks old), how to laugh (about 6 weeks old), how to roll over (about 4 months old), and how to put his pacifier in his mouth by himself (3 months old). We think he is pretty smart! The joys of having an older brother - Ray gets lots of loving! :)
We had a busy Fall with 3 soccer teams and a flag-football team to keep up with. It was good for the kids and fun to watch them, but we were all ready for a break when the season ended!
Taylie playing soccer.
Little Ray and Dad out watching everyone's games. Coleton playing flag-football. T.J. scoring some goals in his soccer game (he usually scored about 5 goals a game). Tylor playing soccer. (He also scored a few times!)